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The protesters, who were at the base of the Silver buy a dog online Queen Gondola Monday called for changes in the operation of dog sledding Baboon could get what they want , if the business owner convicted of animal cruelty.

This is according to an official with the Colorado Department of Agriculture buy a dog online, which oversees operations in animals as Baboon and City Attorney John Dresser , citing the terms of the rental agreement between the owner Dan McCracken and Snow mass Village.

buy a dog online McCracken is due to make his first appearance in court next month on eight counts of misdemeanor cruelty. The charges relate to eight dogs that the district attorney's office before December 12 for allegedly malnourished  or who buy a dog online need veterinary care.

The city owns the land on which Baboon is the result of a land exchange in 2002. At that time , the company was experiencing financial difficulties. With the city looking to keep afloat a valuable source of tourism and taxpayers buy a dog online, council members voted in favor of the host city of about 2 acres of property in exchange Baboon McCracken 'd get the title of a 0.7 acre park.

Four years later , McCracken received approval for rezoning that allows a single family home to be built on the land and sold the property for $ 2.3 a dog online Baboon now uses a piece of land subdivision fracture of the parking area .

In 2006, he and the city entered into a lease of 20 years to pay the city $ 10 per year in rent for the Baboon site . In 2016, McCracken may exercise an option to buy the property back if the transaction Huskies and restaurant in continuous operation for 10 years buy a dog online.

But criminal charges could distort this possibility.

A condition of the lease is that McCracken comply with all laws and requirements of federal , provincial and municipal governments, Dresser said.

" The lessee shall not use the premises buy a dog online for illegal purposes considered dishonorable or extra hazardous , " bed lease
" If Dan condemned, not respect ," Dresser said. " He would not be a problem in black and white that the city could terminate the contract. "

Council has to take action -buy a dog online a step that many of the demonstrators who were on Monday asked Durant Avenue - actually expel McCracken .

The owner, who has been in business for almost 40 years , would be a " cure period " under the lease. This allows a reasonable time to remedy the breach of the lease , Dresser said buy a dog online.

For example, when Baboon years has exceeded the allowed number of dogs you can have on the site under the approval of land use , the city realized McCracken .

"Obviously breed dogs have enough buy a dog online to do this," Dresser said.

But if a woman has a surprisingly large number of puppies that can not be returned to their mother until weaning. Thus, the city has Baboon fix the violation , either euthanized older dogs, adopted with the help of the Aspen Animal Shelter or take the dogs to Alaska McCracken property.

buy a dog online Snow mass McCracken officials have until the spring of this year to remedy the violation , what roads to thaw Alaska .

"The city has worked a bit and let him go to Alaska ," Dresser said. " We do not like to put the dogs on planes. "

Statewide, Dr. Kate Anderson, program manager of the Act to protect animals and animal buy a dog online.

facilities in the state agriculture department , said his office is investigating Baboon with the prosecutor's office . The state licenses as breeder Baboon small dogs.

" My state says that if a person is guilty of cruelty to animals, may deny buy a dog online or revoke a license , " she said.

This can happen at any time, if the notice is given , Anderson said.

"Everyone has the opportunity to respond to a notice of revocation ," he said .

When asked how a sentence hanging over his office 's decision buy a dog online to revoke a license, Anderson said : " Very strong. "f

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